Serena Costantino

Serena Costantino

Serena Costantino

Serena is a singer and pianist who is only eleven years old. Within her first months she stood out as uniquely energetic and intelligent.

    • At six she participated in the first Cantapiccoli
    • At seven years Serena participated in her first public performance as a pianist, in the musical concert of her teacher Antonella Schena at the Cinema Carmen in Mirabella.
    • At eight, during the 2008 Cantapiccoli, Serena sang «The Voice of Silence» by Mina, surprising the audience with her energy.
    • At Un’altra Stella, a 2009 musical event for charity in Fontanarosa, Italy, Serena received her first musical award.
    • 2009, Serena was accepted into the elite musical Conservatory of Benevento «Nicola Sala»

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